Monday, September 17, 2007

Apple Picking

Sadie at Preschool

Sadie - you are amazing me. I took you and Hannah to the Orchard House Family Picnic today and another Mom told me you were her hero. Her son Arman is in your class and he is not feeling too brave about school yet. His Mom sits in class with him every day and she gets the pleasure of watching Arman and YOU (I'm jealous!) and all of your friends enjoying yourselves. She told me how you carry yourself with grace around the classroom, playing and following along with your teachers. She commented on how you are the smallest and one of the youngest but also one of the strongest. You have clearly learned and benefited from having such a great big sister in Hannah. She is proud of you too.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Hannah in Kindergarten

Hannah - my brave little school girl. Dave and I commented on how we have become so familiar with your "Brave Face". It's so mind blowing to see you trying to keep it all together when you want to burst into tears and hide. We are going into day 3 of Kindergarten and you are struggling so much with everything new. It's so tough for you to go off on your own, needing to take care of yourself but I'm proud of you for doing it anyway. You are clearly going to need a long time to get used to this new crazy trip you are going on but I know you are ready.

When you woke up this morning you started to cry almost right away. "Please!!! Do I have to go to school?" I had to give you the same line I was given 29 years ago by my parents. "Yes, you have to go to school. All children have go to school." At the moment, I am really not sure why you have to go to school but you do so tomorrow is a new day, and the day after that, and the next day too. Let's hope you find yourself soon.

I am also so happy to witness a beautiful sisterhood in the making. When you walked off with your teacher crying on your first day of school I got very teary myself. I was instantly out done by Sadie, who began to sob. I am sure it was partly because she was worried she was missing out but I also know that she was definitely feeling your pain. You have a true friend in Sadie - where ever you go, rest assured she is missing you as much as I am.

I hope that tomorrow you wake up without the butterflies and tears. I hope you gobble down your oatmeal and rush off to get backpack on. I hope you skip all the way to school. But, if you don't, I will take care of you in the best way I know how - for as many days as it takes.