When you woke up this morning you started to cry almost right away. "Please!!! Do I have to go to school?" I had to give you the same line I was given 29 years ago by my parents. "Yes, you have to go to school. All children have go to school." At the moment, I am really not sure why you have to go to school but you do so tomorrow is a new day, and the day after that, and the next day too. Let's hope you find yourself soon.
I am also so happy to witness a beautiful sisterhood in the making. When you walked off with your teacher crying on your first day of school I got very teary myself. I was instantly out done by Sadie, who began to sob. I am sure it was partly because she was worried she was missing out but I also know
I hope that tomorrow you wake up without the butterflies and tears. I hope you gobble down your oatmeal and rush off to get backpack on. I hope you skip all the way to school. But, if you don't, I will take care of you in the best way I know how - for as many days as it takes.
Oh Jen, Hannah, Sadie, and Dave - even I got teary reading that post! You're a big girl, Hannah, I can't wait to see some of the great things you've made at school! One day I'll tell you the story of how I cried about going to school until my mom said "Kate, it's Saturday!"
Awww...that is so sweet.
How Blessed am I to have you as part of my world; not because of anything I've done but just by happenstances of family.
Thank you for the sharing the words of wisdom and the reminder of how much I do love my family. If you ever have a hard time explaining to Miss Sadie about Missing someone, tell her it's just a little bit of proof to her that she is loving well and has been well loved.
Peace Love and Angels, Cindy
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